World's Greatest List

Dad was the world's greatest everything, as you surely know. Here are some talents of his that you may not know about. Please feel free to add to this list!

Dad was also the World's Greatest:

- Nose blower
- Bourbon swiller
- Pancake maker in the shapes if the first initial of his daughters' names
- Grandson tickler
- City Manager
- Know-it-all
- Duke basketball fan
- Pumpkin carver
- Car sharer
- Repeater of the phrase, "I don't want you livin' with roaches!" (inside joke)
- Back scratcher
- Tuition provider
- Son
- Car packer
- Driver of station wagons called "Betsy" and "Hillbrook-mobile"
- Blues Brother
- Newspaper reader
- Beach umbrella setter-upper
- Peach eater
- Schmoozer
- Reader of "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
- Shagger
- Pop-pop train engineer
- Saturday morning phone caller
- Person with steel rods in his ankle because he was NOT the world's greatest climber of Mount LeComte
- Beach sitter with a beer in his hand watching the waves
- Salmon and fresh asparagus griller
- Seersucker suit wearer
- Mountain house owner
- Get daughters out of jail-bailer (2 out of 3 - NOT Lisa!)
- Storyteller
- Handshaker
- Driver of MGB named "Tallulah"
- Map reader
- Dessert for breakfast eater
- Friend
- Carly Simon fan
- Dishwasher loader
- Duck quacker